The Ultimate Guide to Home Automation

Just one episode in and it’s already clear; Architechne co-owners, Jeff Cole and John Loebel, know how to enjoy life’s little pleasures. No surprise, really. They’re in the business of making life more enjoyable through home automation, after all.  

In the debut episode of Architechne’s “Artisans” series, Jeff Cole and John Loebel sat down over a bottle of bourbon to introduce themselves and share their perspective on the state of home automation. After years of working together in different capacities, they had “covered all the popular AV and automation companies you can think of”, and it left them with just one conclusion to draw – the current state of home automation was a confusing mess.

“There’s a very clear separation between true home automation- luxury audio and video, luxury lighting and shades, [and] bringing it all together in one beautiful app to run your home with – versus the widgets you’ll see listed online.” Jeff explains. Homeowners have been sold the latter while dreaming of the former, leading to frustration and disappointment. Architchne was founded to right these wrongs and finally get clients the top-of-the-line home automation experience they deserve.

As the “Artisans” series unfolds, viewers will get VIP access to the industry’s best-of-the-best, previewing new technology and learning what a premium smart home set up can really do. But for this first episode, Jeff and John are simply setting the record straight. It’s time to remember what real home automation looks like.

So, what is home automation?

Simply put, home automation is the integration of electronic devices in a home related to climate control, lighting, surveillance, and entertainment. Once installed and set up, it allows a user to adjust settings, schedule tasks, and receive alerts or notifications through a single, centralized control system. 

“If you’re building a home over $800,000…you should seriously consider investing in real technology, real home automation. The benefits of these systems are astounding.” Jeff explains. Without requiring you to lift a finger, they automatically transform a home into “the perfect environment”.

The components of home technology

Every home automation system is different, since every person and every home is unique. That said, there are core components found in most smart home automation set ups. Let’s break down these core elements below.

Network control

Network control is the heart of every great home automation system. A reliable network, along with an integrated “brain box,” allows users to easily manage and control any type of home automation device. 

As John puts it, the network control is the only need-to-have for every system. “We provide a lot of wants for people, a lot of experiences.” He explains. But the only constant, fundamental need that every home automation customer has “is networking.” Without it, truly integrated smart home automation is impossible.

Home theater

Just about every home has an entertainment space, but it takes smart design to create a true home theater space. A professionally designed theater system brings the full cinematic experience home with high-quality audio and video equipment that’s easily and intuitively controlled.

Whole home audio

Whole home audio is one of the most popular categories of home automation. In fact, most folks seeking a home automation consultation already have something that fits into this category. Unfortunately, that ‘something’ is often just a hodge podge of wireless box speakers, rapidly aging and bogging down the network in the meantime.

Jeff says it bluntly. “Those are the systems we tear out. Then we put in the real one.”

In this case, ‘real’ means a fully integrated system of high quality, lasting audio technology. One that allows you to not just listen, but truly play with and perfect your home audio experience.

Lighting and shades

Automatic lighting and shades allow clients to effortlessly control lighting, room by room. Even better, they make it possible to instantly change a room’s mood or ambiance. However, achieving this requires more than just a few smart bulbs and a basic automation app. 

An expert home automation integrator thanks about home illumination as ‘layers of light’. It’s a design concept that emphasizes carefully selected and installed lighting solutions to achieve a premium aesthetic effect with endless flexibility. 

Surveillance and locks

For a home surveillance system to provide true peace of mind, it needs to provide full access to advanced monitoring solutions and clear, actionable information. This requires better tech than most small home security companies can provide such as license plate readers, AI human movement recognition, and facial recognition. Access to these premium solutions requires partnerships with premium brands – partnerships like those held by Architechne.

Power management and climate control

This category of home automation has become increasingly popular, particularly as solar energy rises in prominence. “Energy independence is a category that used to be unreachable.” John explains. Not so anymore. 

“People who are putting in panels want to make sure they can get the most out of [them]. So they’re deploying…power management systems to adjust and monitor loads throughout the house.” These power management systems allow for room-by-room, automated energy consumption and climate control, saving resources without sacrificing quality of life.

How to get started with home automation

Whether you’re currently drowning in cumbersome apps and widgets, looking to improve a previously installed system, or brand new to the home automation world, don’t worry. It’s easy to get started on the path to premium home automation.

Step 1: Find your areas of need

To begin, ask yourself a few basic questions about the current state of your home.

  • Do you have devices that don’t work the way you had hoped?

  • Do you have any frustrations about how your climate control, lights, and entertainment systems are currently controlled?

  • Do you want to reduce your home’s energy consumption?

Answering questions like these will help you understand your greatest areas of need. Consider what frustrates you about your technology, then use these observations to direct your initial conversation with your home automation integrator.

Step 2: Reach out

Once you’ve identified your home automation goals, it’s tine to find an expert home automation integrator who can go through those goals with you. They’ll help you understand the available options, and they can make recommendations based on their experience with similar projects.

Step 3: Decide the scope and budget

After working with an expert to understand your options, it’s time to set the scope and budget of your project. It’s important to be clear with your integrator about your top priorities and be honest about your budget, so they can create a realistic plan for you and your home.

Step 4: Explore your options

If your integration partner has a showroom, like Architechne, this is the perfect time to take a turn and explore the possibilities. There’s no substitution for seeing, hearing, and experiencing such advanced technology first-hand. Use this time to ask your consultant questions, compare options, and refine your plan for your home.

Step 5: Give the green light

Last but not least, getting started means giving your smart home automation integrator the green light to put the plan into motion. At every step of the installation and integration process, a your home automation team should work with you to ensure complete satisfaction. 

Self-integration vs. hiring a professional

Many clients who wind up seeking a home automation professional started by taking the self-integration approach. For just one or two things, this approach can work okay. The problem is, ‘just one or two things’ is not true home automation. 

Executing a whole home, expertly designed automation system requires expertise in collating complex, disparate systems into a seamless user experience. It’s technically demanding and requires a strong understanding of design principals. Hence why most homeowners who start with a DIY approach eventually reach out for help.

“People are surprised by the quality you can get when you do things with intention” John muses towards the end of the episode. As he puts it, it’s not enough to just grab things off a shelf and try to cobble them together. For real home automation, you need the knowledge, experience, and finesse of a professional.

To see the full conversation between Jeff and John, check out the inaugural episode of “Artisans” series. And to get your home automation journey started, reach out to Architechne today.

Jackson Kelly

I’m a referral-based freelance digital marketing consultant that helps companies clarify their positioning, and generate and close inbound leads through their website and digital marketing.

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